Saturday, March 21, 2015

Skyy Vodka ad

In this Skyy Vodka ad, we see a parody of TED talks: A well dressed young intellectual spokesman (an improv  actor) appeals to a hip audience by stating that the universe is sending them a friend request ("Buy me a drink."), This combines the new age movement with social media, both of which are very popular right now. The presenter goes on to impress upon the audience the importance of a personal interaction between the universe and themselves, then playfully reminds them to put their phones down. This action appeals to the young masses because of its irony which is the cornerstone of youthful humor at this time. 

Kathleen Schuart, senior marketing director for white spirits and cordials at Campari America states, "It's with this spirit that Skyy's new marketing platform is inviting us to take an optimistic view and reimagine the world around us. We are kicking off our campaign by challenging our thinking around the givens in our social lives, interactions and experiences in a fun and clever way." 

Humor youthfulness and new age thinking are being used to sell alcohol. No to elevate the masses but it keeping them drunk. 

Vodka in general is a simple drink and packaging it with blue bottle and smart appeal makes it more expensive and into a desirable commodity.  Most advertising is about creating needs and making us want them.

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